Subscription Packages


Rs.299 /Weekly


  • All Practice Tests for MDCAT & ECAT Exams
  • Best MCQ's Database
  • *Enjoy the Full Access of the App within 24 hours after the payment.
 One Time Payment

Rs.3,999 /one time payment


  • All Practice Tests for MDCAT & ECAT Exams
  • Best MCQ's Database
  • *Enjoy the Full Access of the App within 24 hours after the payment.

Study on the go with PrepOn 's Android Mobile app

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1) What is PrepOn?

PrepOn is an online MDCAT & ECAT test preparation app that enables you to practice your skills and overcome your weak areas for the best performance.

2) Why PrepOn?

PrepOn app must be your foremost priority because it is time saving, and it gives you access to the best MCQ’S database. Here, you can get the evaluation and success tips by the best teachers from across the country. You can easily access it anywhere at any time.

3) How can I pay for the course?

Go to your nearest easypaisa shop or pay through easypaisa app, pay the subscription amount, Rs. 3,999/- one time payment or Rs. 299/weekly (quarterly). Send your email id, whatsapp number and transaction id on our whatsapp number, 0333-424269.

4) Does the course on your app cover all syllabus?

Yes, it does. It gives you the largest and the best MCQ’S database. No study-aid option has been left behind.

5) How can I access the app?

Once you have sent the payment details on our whatsapp number, you will be given the full access to the app within 24 hours.

6) What are the other benefits of this app?

It gives you success tips, health tips, preparation tips, and time management tips.

7) Can I create my own timeline and study schedule for practice?

Of course, you can create your own personalized timeline and study schedule for smarter study in shorter period of time.

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